Apr 5, 2023 – Earth – Sustainable Jungle Pty Ltd (Sustainable Jungle), a leading online sustainable living publication, today announced that they have purchased the domain sustainly.com. The official acquisition date is April 2, 2023.
About Sustainly.com
Sustainly.com was a “platform dedicated to sustainable business strategy and communication”. It featured case studies, news & features and offered a membership for exclusive content.
The site was previously owned and run by Matthew Yeomans, a writer, editor and coach specializing in ESG, sustainability, technology, business and food. He has written content for PwC, EY, Nike, Diageo, Meijer and many other companies and has been featured (as a writer and editor) in The Atlantic Monthly, National Geographic, Fortune, Time, The Industry Standard, The Guardian, The Village Voice and Wired.
Matthew has also written several books including his most recent ‘Return to My Trees’ which “is inspired by a walking adventure through Wales exploring how we lost our connection to nature and how we go about rebuilding it.”
About Sustainable Jungle
Founded in 2017, Sustainable Jungle is a mission driven online content website that focuses on encouraging positive change. The site shares sustainability related ideas, tips, tricks, products, brands and stories about people & organizations doing meaningful work to better our planet.
Sustainable Jungle plans to develop Sustainly into a resource site dedicated to supporting both consumers and the business community to make better choices for a better future.
Sustainable Jungle’s founders say “we are excited about the acquisition of the sustainly.com domain, it will help us achieve our goal of making sustainability centered thinking the norm for consumers and table stakes for the business community.”